Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Sermon on the Mount

Sermon on the Mount

This subject has fascinated Sngaporeans for quite some time to the point of ad nauseam. We seldom heard the melliferous baritone of Lawrence Wong before he became DPM. Overnight you can now hear his sermon of the mount almost everyday, to mesmerise his audience the people of Singapore many may be disillusioned to perk them up... 

They promise us the moon and the stars but…

They promise us the moon and the stars but…

PM-in-waiting Lawrence Wong You could get heady just listening to all the election-worthy pledges and promises making the rounds as May Day messages. Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong told workers at the May Day rally: “Come what may, we will always be there with you, for you, and we will always have your back.” The government,... 

A well known hardworking workers but…

A well known hardworking workers but…

Singaporeans are, by and large, a well known hardworking workers but we are not unique. Many Hong Kong people and the Japanese are hardworking too but I have observed that not many younger Singaporeans today are as hard working as people of their parents' generation. I don't blame them because a different generation has grown... 

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