Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
The POFMA irony

The POFMA irony

Several FB friends came down to my little Tea Booth@Geylang Serai Ramadan Bazaar over the past 35 Days to tell me a strange story. Some of them are Unvax and some taken 1 or 2 jabs. These people were really unsure of whether to succumb to MOH OYK's VDS and evil No Jab No Job measures. But when OYK POFMA me several times at the... 

The PAP juggernaut

The PAP juggernaut

PM-in-waiting Lawrence Wong We are privileged to perceive the colourful survival-asserting display which will not have escaped the cynosure of the public eye. It's interesting that this is happening at this time when there is more than a murmur on the defaults of the PAP. They are obviously uneasily smarting from the opposition... 

Record-breaking COE prices

Record-breaking COE prices

The latest round of COE bidding again broke record in most categories. Please pardon me for asking if record breaking COE prices is good or bad for our country? Well, I guess that all depends on who that question is asked. To the government, it must be good news because they will again be laughing all the way to the bank. In... 

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