Be your own hatchet man
The report of the Parliamentary Select Committee on Deliberate Online Falsehoods is exceedingly disturbing. I am disappointed with the contents and angry with the unwarranted and vicious attack on Dr Thum Ping Tjin at page 57, paragraph 238. Dr Thum is accused of being a liar with these words: “He has clearly lied.” The...
Ex-PM’s money obsession causing PAP problems
Over the weekend I read: Finance, like law, is a profession that attracts a lot of reasonably intelligent, hard-working people who rather like money. People like me. Most of us are not really suited to it, though, and that makes for a lot of unhappy careers. The financial crisis saved me from that, and I am grateful. Robert...
Are Singaporeans ‘crybabies’ who get the government they deserve?
Vlogger Nuseir Yassin, also known as Nas Daily, has branded Singaporeans “crybabies” for taking him to task over his videos effusively praising the country, the latest one even calling Singapore “the almost perfect country.” You may also recall that after a crushing defeat on election day in 2015, Opposition politician...
- Middle on Scammers
- DEBT TRAP on Public Housing HDB
- Sinkiaponang on The clock is ticking
- PAP mandate strong on 7.8 magnitude earthquake devastates Tibet
- Sinkiaponang on Integrate