Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Revisiting VDS and Vaccine Safety

Revisiting VDS and Vaccine Safety

Many Unvax People visited me at my humble Tea Booth @ Geylang Serai Ramadan Bazaar to share with me the kinds of sufferings they have gone through during the VDS period. The VDS has done great harm to them psychologically and broke many friendships and family ties. There is no scientific basis to impose VDS at all because the... 

Remember what the government have done for us and to us…

Remember what the government have done for us and to us…

The last general election was held on 10 July 2020. Rumours have been circulating that the next general election may be held next year or soon after the presidential election which must be held by 13 September 2023. When these elections will be held is now a favourite topic at coffeeshops. Let’s keep the GE in mind all the... 

Vaping increasingly rampant among youths

Vaping increasingly rampant among youths

The Big Read: With vaping increasingly rampant among youths, what more can authorities do?- CNA online 17 April 2023. I laughed and laughed when I read the above reporting. Now, why did I laugh? Vaping has not only become more rampant among youths in Singapore but internationally, it has become so too, portraying an image of... 

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