Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Cooperation with France

Cooperation with France

During Macron's visit to China, China placed an order to buy Airbus planes worth CNY 137 billion. Payment was made in CNY and not USD. When France received the payment, they will keep CNY and use it to buy products from China. They can also invest the CNY in a Chinese bank to earn interest. There is no need for China to pay... 

If Jesus could do it – Why can’t you

If Jesus could do it – Why can’t you

One of the things about coming from a country that has national service is that you have a sure-fire way of knowing that you’re turning into an old git. That is sign is when you meet up with your best mates and you grumble about how easy the kids have it in national service. The common refrain is “It wasn’t like that back... 

Is Lawrence Wong destined to wait in vain?

Is Lawrence Wong destined to wait in vain?

Prime Minister-still-in-waiting In this country, you are called the Prime Minister-in-waiting for good reason – you need to wait and wait for your turn. In the case of Heng Swee Keat, his turn never came despite all the waiting. He emerged as the PM-in-waiting after a long and winding process. Then he waited while he got tested... 

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