Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Looming Dangers

Looming Dangers

I am a Pioneer Generation, having benefited from the PAP Administration but looking ahead, can I be just as optimistic? Sadly, no. PAP have run this country as a corporation for too long. Their obsession with growing our National Reserve has blinded their vision. They have become myopic, unable to see the dangers brewing in... 



China has spent billions sponsoring news and media around the world and have successfully brainwashed many overseas Chinese, Middle Eastern and Africans. Recently, they are trying to go into India to do the same but was however caught. To me, all these are just part of their global strategies to be recognised to be a global... 

Honest brokers aren’t necessary nice

Honest brokers aren’t necessary nice

One of the brighter to things to come out in today’s world news has been the “peace-deal” between Saudi Arabia and Iran. The two nations had broken off diplomatic relations in2016 when the Saudi’s executed a prominent Shia Cleric, Nimr-Al Nimr and the Saudi Embassy in Tehran got torched. The two regional powers had been... 

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