Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
What the bank crisis is all about

What the bank crisis is all about

I explain many issues which are not covered by media, especially our local state mouthpiece. Click to visit the author's website for the full article The common knowledge now is banks hold securities. Interest rates have gone up, so those long term securities create huge unrealised losses in banks. That is true. This works... 

Banks in America may suffer large losses on their mortgages

Banks in America may suffer large losses on their mortgages

American banks will face big problems with their mortgages. They offer 30 year mortgages at fixed interest rate. In the early 2010s, following the 2008 financial crisis, interest rates on 30-year fixed-rate mortgages fell to historic lows, often around 3-4%. In 2020 and 2021, interest rates remained near historic lows, with... 

Sell or Die

Sell or Die

I’m now in Vietnam for a short trip and I am being reminded of the time that my day job boss made a remark about how I only got a “serious” job at 38. He exclaimed “I don’t know how you survived before that.” I bring this topic up because, while Vietnam has made great strides economically, it’s still an obviously... 

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