Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Employers must verify the education qualifications of their EP applicants

Employers must verify the education qualifications of their EP applicants

Employers must verify the education qualifications of their EP applicants from 1 September 2023- CNA online 1 March 2023. This is the sort of current pap's incompetence and ludicrousness that will make concerned Singaporeans' blood boil, unscrupulous employers and their potential foreign employees cunningly snigger and I dare... 

mRNA Vaccines Pregnancy

mRNA Vaccines Pregnancy

A very interesting video on mRNA Vaccines (V) on pregnancy. Click to open video There wasn't any study done on the impact of pregnancy before CDC US "recommended" the V to pregnant women! 25 women in P f i z e r initial test got pregnant and 15 got miscarriage! Out of 9 babies born, 5 got problems! But yet, these were not disclosed... 

Fighting is fun – When you are not doing it

Fighting is fun – When you are not doing it

I recently took a personality test, which effectively said that I like peace in my life and often try to be a peace maker. I accept that this is probably accurate. I don’t like getting into fights and generally think that most things are simply not worth getting into a scrap for. It’s not that I haven’t been in fights... 

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