Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Indulging Self Importance

Indulging Self Importance

My petitioning creditor has messaged me asking if I can meet today to provide them with an update on the status of a liquidation and that’s just reminded me as to why I detest just about everything associated with corporate bs. I understand where these guys are coming from and I am saved by the fact that the boss is exceedingly... 

The SGH Nurse Vax Injury Saga

The SGH Nurse Vax Injury Saga

The court has determined that the ex-nurse was paralyzed after taking the vaccination and SGH had terminated her employment after 6 months of half salary arrangement as she could no longer perform the role of a nurse. SGH & MOH scramble to deal with the barrage of criticisms and PR crisis. SGH offered to re- employ the nurse... 

Harmful effects of vaccines

Harmful effects of vaccines

1. Several people in chat groups shared reports and videos of young people who died suddenly a short time after they have been vaccinated. They used the event to imply that they vaccine is harmful to young people. 2. I have seen several dozens of these reports. I am sure that there are many more of these cases that I have not... 

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