Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Empathy and Luxury

Empathy and Luxury

I feel rather disgusted when I read about people mocking and poking fun at the 17 year old girl talking about her new present from her dad as "Luxurious Brand". [LINK] Luxury is a relative term. A $50 meal at a restaurant can be just a norm to many people, or even considered as "cheapskate" to filthy rich people but to a person... 

Shameful and Unfortunate

Shameful and Unfortunate

It is most shameful and unfortunate that the daily circulation numbers of SPH media titles have been inflated by over 10% for reasons or agendas best known to some key people within SPH and I pray hard that such shameful and unscrupulous behaviours are not collaborated beyond SPH. I remember that growing up in the 70s and unable... 

Entry testing for Covid-19 on visitors from China

Entry testing for Covid-19 on visitors from China

1. I disagree with China's policy to retaliate against countries that imposed testing on visitors from China. 2. China does not need to take this action as it would leave a bad impression that China is "bullying" the other countries. 3. The countries that require testing may have their reason for wanting to play safe. Maybe... 

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