Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Review of ministers’ salaries

Review of ministers’ salaries

1. The government is carrying out a review of ministers' salaries in 2023. The last review was carried out in 2017. The actual review is for the top political officer bearers, but the public generally refers to them as "ministers". 2. An earlier review in 2012 made a major adjustment. It reduced the salary of the prime minister... 

Concluding that the vaccines are useless in preventing Covid-19

Concluding that the vaccines are useless in preventing Covid-19

It doesn't need to take an expert 2 years to conclude that the vaccines (V) will be useless in preventing Covid-19 (CV). It's pure logic that it can't prevent infec because of the nature of RNA virus which will mutate extremely fast. I have already made such conclusion just 2 to 3 months after they started the vaccination program.... 

Land Acquisition Act is highly controversial

Land Acquisition Act is highly controversial

The Land Acquisition Act, while it gave the government a free hand to build the city, is highly controversial, to say the least. Implemented in 1967, it gave the government powers to acquire land for “public benefit, or for any work or undertaking that is of public utility or public interest, or for any residential, commercial... 

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