Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
SPH Media (Dis)Trust

SPH Media (Dis)Trust

SPH Media Trust is getting $180,000,000 a year from the government which is paid for by us, taxpayers. This saga of inflating daily circulation numbers by 10% to 12% is clearly misleading paying clientele of advertisers. SPH Media distrust! More like it! "There were instances where copies were printed, counted for circulation... 

Was the Covid-19 vaccine helpful?

Was the Covid-19 vaccine helpful?

1. How effective is our covid vaccine? 2. I received 2 vaccine jabs and 2 boosters. It did not protect me from being infected on 4 January. I had a running nose and sore throat, which worsened over the next two days. I was tested positive on ART on 7 January and was placed under stay home notice (SNH) by the ministry of health... 

If you still want to use the word…

If you still want to use the word…

My happiest moment of the first working day of the year came when the boss asked me to run errands, delivering documents to various places. Whilst everyone else was celebrating being back in the office, I was celebrating my precious minutes away. Yes, I make no secret of the fact that I detest the office and I detest sitting... 

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