Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Time to review National Service

Time to review National Service

For a few decades, I have been against the current practice of National Service. Here are my reasons. 1. It is too long. 2. It imposes a burden on our male citizens and make them loss in competition for jobs against foreigners and females. 3. It is costly to train NS men and keep them trained as reservists. 4. It is more effective,... 

Recent conversation with a Taxi driver

Recent conversation with a Taxi driver

I recently took a Comfort taxi and I had an interesting conversation with the driver. Among other things, he told me that one of his grievances being a taxi driver is that some passengers who have made taxi booking cancelled their booking even when the taxi is turing into the carpark and they simply got away without any penalty... 

Peddling Fear

Peddling Fear

China has 1.3B population. If Covid-19 (CV) death rate is 0.3%, 3.9m death expected If death rate is 0.1% 1.3m death. The death numbers may look huge but it's actually within the normal death rate. Only those Western and SG will try to peddle FEAR, just like what they did when sudden massive CV death happened in India just to... 

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