Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Are Singaporean Chinese, Chinese?

Are Singaporean Chinese, Chinese?

I just saw an interview with Trevor Noah on the BBC, where he had to famously defend the remark that “African-Americans” are “not African.” This interview reminded me of one of the most pressing and never-ending debates in nations that are multinational – namely the question of racial identity. Mr. Noah made the point... 

Democracy, human rights and freedom of the press

Democracy, human rights and freedom of the press

Kishore Mabubhani Kishore Mabubhani made the following statements in his book (Can Asians Think) about democracy, human rights and freedom of the press. 1. American journalists do not believe in the Christian rule "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" or "Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone". It believes... 

Land is a common heritage for all our people

Land is a common heritage for all our people

Mdm Ho is right in saying that “Singapore is a small island” and that “land is a common heritage for all our people”, meaning, the land on our small island belongs to all Singaporeans. By extension, it means that all Singaporeans have a right to a roof over their head and to use the land to make a living, at a reasonable... 

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