Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Developing countries can mobilize internal savings

Developing countries can mobilize internal savings

Many developing countries need funds for their economic development. They issue bonds in US dollar in the international markets. When the US dollar rises, as has happened in 2022, the developing countries find it costly to repay the borrowings. Some have defaulted in the process. Many developing countries have the means to mobilize... 

Foreign Aka Global Talents Also Taking Delivery Job

Foreign Aka Global Talents Also Taking Delivery Job

Interesting to find a number of complaints from locals regarding imported global or foreign talents doing food delivery jobs. [LINK] Complaints: 1. Too many JHKS(jiu hu kias), Malaysians speaking and typing in Mandarin and mix only with their own gang. 2. PRCs also now doing food delivery! 3. Ang mo also doing food delivery! 4.... 

China has relaxed its Covid-19 restrictions

China has relaxed its Covid-19 restrictions

China has relaxed its covid restrictions. It has announced several changes to its restrictions during the past two weeks. The changes have been quite significant. This decision follows protests from its residents on the impacts of the restrictions on their livelihood and social activities. The relaxation will bring possible... 

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