Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Foreign Talents, Now Global Talents

Foreign Talents, Now Global Talents

So many decades past, the cry for foreign talent repeated yearly, now more than half the work force are foreign born. Of which, many have converted into PRs or new citizens. Now even foreign born are managing state funds and also many of the GLCs. We had imported all kind of talents, even providing special service is considered... 

Communist Party of China

Communist Party of China

The 20th congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is attended by 2,296 delegates. They elect 205 members into the Central Committee, 25 into the Politburo and 7 into the Politburo Standing Committee. The central committee of CPC meets at least once a year at a plenary meeting (also called the plenum). The full politburo... 

Keeping it is not necessary a virtue

Keeping it is not necessary a virtue

It’s been reported by the Today Newspaper that Singaporeans are more open to online dating but four in ten singles have never been on a date. The report can be found at: [LINK] This news report reminds me of a meeting I had with an English lady back when I was still at university. She mentioned that she worked for what was... 

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