Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
The cracks are beginning to show

The cracks are beginning to show

Late Lee Kuan Yew The PAP has been in power for a long time. There is no doubt in my mind that they started with the best of intentions. Under LKY and the Old Guard, we had great leaders who not only uplifted society but also put Singapore on the world map. Regardless of whether we agree with them, we had no doubt their decisions... 

This Petty Law Called POFMA

This Petty Law Called POFMA

Did you understand MND’s convoluted explanation when Desmond Lee POFMAd Yeoh Lam Keong and TOC? I wasnt any the wiser and it appears Yusri Mohd felt the same way from the following comment he left on Lee Hsien Yang’s post about the POFMA :- “Instead of clarifying and give better understanding to the public so that no speculation... 

Healthcare Reform

Healthcare Reform

In April 2022 I published a post on my blog demanding answers to some questions I had about the Ministry of Health Budget. I pointed out the ten-fold increase in the MOH Budget since 2006 which reached $19 billion in Budget 2022. I calculated this to be roughly $4750 per Singapore resident on the assumption that foreign workers... 

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