Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Who I F or don’t F is none of your business

Who I F or don’t F is none of your business

One of the scariest things about the 377A debate is that it often reveals a national obsession with a**holes. If you scroll through enough forums, you will notice a strange belief that has been placed in the national psyche, which is a belief that there is an evil conspiracy by the West to make Singapore decay by allowing gay... 



'Would it be a problem? I think the freer availability of cannabis in going to pose more challenges. I am sure it will'.- K. Shanmugam. 'If there is clear evidence of current use of drugs, Singapore authorities will take action regardless the consumption was overseas or in Singapore'- K. Shanmugam. I like what... 

Rough ride ahead

Rough ride ahead

Taiwanese ex-SG New citizen Robert Tsao, the former billionaire owner of UMC, RENOUNCED Singapore Citizenship and reinstates his Taiwanese Citizenship. [LINK] That's the Danger of accepting massive number of New Citizens indiscriminately I have been warning about in 2019 IPS forum. This is only the extremely small tip of the... 

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