Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
What does loving your country look like

What does loving your country look like

Since National Day has just passed, I thought it might be worthwhile to talk about the topic of patriotism or the love of one’s nation. If you look at the rise of hard right snake oil salesmen that have been popping up all over the place in the last half decade, you will realise that we are living in a time when the term “patriotism”... 

Vaccination of pregnant women

Vaccination of pregnant women

This report is totally irrelevant! When we are talking about vaccination (V) for pregnant women, it is not about mild side effects anymore. We are more concerned about safety of the V to the babies instead! The comparison between V non pregnant women vs V pregnant women is TOTALLY irrelevant! The correct study should be comparison... 

Majulah Singapura

Majulah Singapura

It was Singapore’s 57th birthday on August 9. As always, there was a spectacular parade, which as per the usual was a chance for the military to show off its latest toys (our toys are considered the best in the region) and to perform great feats of marching (A former Canadian army officer described our marching as “perfect”)... 

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