Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
57th National Day

57th National Day

Today is our 57th National Day and too many people including older native born Singaporeans do not realise enough that it was almost a miracle that we have built a nation out of almost nothing with odds stacked so high against us in our early years into one strong and free nation and have come so far together as one united people. I... 

An alternative to the COE system

An alternative to the COE system

I want to give my views about how to replace the COE system. Some people criticized the COE system because it is unfair and favors the rich. I do not agree with this criticism. It is unavoidable that scarce resources will always favor the rich. We all want to live in GCB (good class bungalows), but only the rich can afford GCB. My... 

Invading Taiwan

Invading Taiwan

Yahoo News came up with a write up to say "Experts" now predict China will attack or invade Taiwan by 2023. It even lists out the 4 possible attack scenarios etc. So call Experts, really a lot of bulls! From realistic logistics perspective, China had just completed its third aircraft carrier and it will take at least 2 to 3... 

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