Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Iris Koh being taken to court by her former lawyer

Iris Koh being taken to court by her former lawyer

On this issue of Iris Koh being taken to court by her former lawyer (Fervent Chambers LLC). [LINK] They billed her $30,000, she felt overcharged, the court had now ordered her to pay $23,000. Not $30,000 that her previous lawyers were asking for. While the media makes it out to be that her former lawyers have "won" the case,... 

Millionaire PAP minister Desmond Lee

Millionaire PAP minister Desmond Lee

I laughed and laughed again reading what pap ministar Desmond Lee (DL) said and I quote, 'if coffeeshop is expensive, go elsewhere'. This millionaire pap ministar obviously belongs in the same league as that chicken expensive eat fish macik and seriously, they are sooo clever at talking c*ck. only. I am sorry to tell DL and... 

Stupid govt policies causing suffering to the lower income?

Stupid govt policies causing suffering to the lower income?

I refer to the article: "The Big Read: Faced with fatigue and rush to meet orders, food delivery riders grapple daily with road safety risks" (TODAY, 18 Jul). It states that "While they would feel safer if they were on motorcycles, many e-bike riders told TODAY that fuel cost and Certificate of Entitlement (COE) premiums put... 

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