Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Lower Standing

Lower Standing

A self proclaimed opposition supporter S told me that my promotion of TCM EARLY TREATMENT PROTOCOL, especially the LHQW has "lowered my standing" as public figure. I believe this is some of the murmurs attacking me going around under the sky. I scolded him, of course. Public figures who pushed for Vaccine which doesn't work... 

Covid-19 Booster Shots

Covid-19 Booster Shots

I understand that about 60,000 seniors have not taken their 1st C19 booster shot or third shot. Mind you, 60,000 is not a chicken feed number. I asked myself if I am surprised by that and my answer is no. Although many people's impression is that old people are a strong pap support base and that is correct to a reasonable extend,... 

3AC founders reportedly fled Singapore

3AC founders reportedly fled Singapore

I know some self professed "expert investors" are caught in this collapse. "Expert investors" who have been publishing books, writing blogs and giving advice to amateur followers are all caught up in this big collapse. A collapse of such magnitude will have great ripple effects. For some big wealthy investors, losing a few millions,... 

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