Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Just do your job

Just do your job

The big TV event coming out of the USA is the congressional hearings into the January 6 2021 attacks on the American Congress. The hearings have the elements of a good drama. There is the central event. There is the obvious villain in the shape of the former president who conspired with others to overturn the election. Then,... 

A drug-free Singapore

A drug-free Singapore

The motto for the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) is “For a Drug-Free Singapore.” To me, this is a super unrealistic goal and I can say with confidence that it will never be achieved. Singapore has been executing "drug traffickers” since 1975 when the Misuse of Drugs Act (1973) was amended to impose the death penalty on... 

Resignation of Boris Johnson

Resignation of Boris Johnson

Due to various reasons, Boris Johnson was deserted by his ministers and his political allies and he has resigned. I do not and have never expected perfection from any politicians or for that matter, anybody at all but I wonder if Boris Johnson were Singapore's prime minister, would his ministers and political allies here also... 

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