Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category


新加坡能成为世界第一级国家已故李光耀的伟大功劳是不可否認 本来他足以成为世界顶尖民主政治家行例中 可是他的人格有一点瑕疵 他对他的政敌所用的残忍的手段是有良心的人不敢恭维 中国的朝代统治在清朝已经灭忙 可是在新加坡却出现李氏皇朝... 

What humiliation?

What humiliation?

This is tit for tat! Russia is earning billions every month from energy trade, nobody would doubt Russia's financial strength. It didn't accumulate Trillions of debts like US. It was US which defaulted on Russian's holding of its Treasury bonds over hundreds of billions! Make the comparison to these $100m, that's considered... 

Choice of vaccine for 2nd booster

Choice of vaccine for 2nd booster

I am taking my second booster (fourth jab). In my chat group, there was active discussion about choose the type of vaccine for the second booster. I did not follow the discussion closely. One person who did, said that he found it befuddling and confusing. I said that I will take Pfizer as the second booster. I have taken Pfizer... 

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