Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Not government’s business to intervene in commercial decisions

Not government’s business to intervene in commercial decisions

'Not government's business to intervene in commercial decisions'- forum page writer, Jonathon Wong, Straits Times 22 June 22. I beg to differ from him on the opinion. Let me explain. The late Lee Kuan Yew was respected even by people who disagreed with him because among the many, many decisions that he had made when he was in... 

Closing Shop

Closing Shop

Despite operating her stall for 23 years and even surviving the pandemic, Madam Zaleha is now considering closing shop as rent has doubled from $6000 to $12000. (Tampines coffeeshop sold for record $41.68m, ST 17/6/22). She will have to raise prices, hopefully customers will still support her, move to a cheaper location, or... 

Situation will only get worse

Situation will only get worse

The number of calls for ambulances have increased so much so that they have decided to deny ambulance service if the call center decided that cases aren't critical. Well, unlike some other places, calling for ambulance isn't free and could cost quite a lot for poor or even average family. At the mean time, the hospitals are... 

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