Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
US should not YaYa Papaya

US should not YaYa Papaya

What will happen if China weaponized its holding of US Treasury Bonds by massive selling off? Price of US Treasury Bonds will drop and it will trigger the arbitrage mechanism and interest rates in US will be forced to rise. It will hurt the US Economy especially during an uncertain crisis situation. In order to counter that,... 

A satirical paronamo of Singapore

A satirical paronamo of Singapore

That Singapore has reached a first world status from a third world as a world-renowned cosmopolitan haven with racial harmony, the credit may be attributed to a prescient and entreprsing Lee Kuan Yew but he also had an ugly persona in his cruel inhuman treatment of his political opponents. The Lee dynasty must go on and his... 

World War III

World War III

Some friends ask me why didn't I talk about "inflation"? Especially when I am trained in Economics! First of all, we are not just looking at inflation here. It is at best, a stagflation, at worse, a total collapse of the World system of Globalization which will most probably lead to more wars. Yes, it may just lead to World... 

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