Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
ESM Goh’s reckless and senseless words

ESM Goh’s reckless and senseless words

Over the course of the covid pandemic, we have seen how the 4G leaders screw-up with their flip flop policies, lack of foresight and and indecisiveness. These range from not banning travellers from the Delta region at the onset to allowing KTVs to operate as ‘bistros’. Furthermore, LW (who is supposed to be next leader)... 

Subsidy for grain farmers in China

Subsidy for grain farmers in China

The China govt is setting aside US $1.5 billion to help grain farmers to offset their production cost and higher prices for commodities, so that they can continue to grow their grains. Someone said that there are 600 million farmers in China. So the subsidy works out to $2.50 per farmer, which is insufficient. I searched the... 

Commercial fish farming in the waters of Singapore

Commercial fish farming in the waters of Singapore

I comment as a lay person and a concerned citizen. I invite feedbacks and contributory inputs. Singapore Food Agency is exploring the idea of commercial fish farming in the waters of Singapore's southern islands to ensure our food security. I support the idea. Although the waters, according to the experts, are rich in coral... 

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