Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Britain’s new High Potential Individual (HPI) visa scheme

Britain’s new High Potential Individual (HPI) visa scheme

Britain's new High Potential Individual (HPI) visa scheme is waving and wooing graduates from the world's top 50 universities to work in Britain. They include China's Tsinghua University, Harvard, Stanford, MIT and our own NTU and NUS etc. Such an opportunity may only come once in a lifetime for many young people. Imagine if... 

Random versus Bias Sampling

Random versus Bias Sampling

It is rather frustrating to discuss data with a lot of people. When we are looking at raw data of infected among Vaccinated (V) & UnVaccinated (UnV) from real world data, they would claim that's not from "Double Blind Randomized Trial". But when they want to look at V & UnV death from Covid-19 (CV), they will use real... 

Chasing economic growth at all cost

Chasing economic growth at all cost

The good life for Singaporeans cannot be gotten by chasing economic growth at all cost. We have been chasing that ever since Independence. It made a lot of sense at the beginning when the country was developing. But once we became a developed country, which probably happened in the 1990s, chasing economic growth for its own... 

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