Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Why Asean Must Not Be Fooled By The US

Why Asean Must Not Be Fooled By The US

Last Thursday ASEAN leaders meet with President Biden at the White House for a two-day summit as part of an effort to offer a united front against China and US announced $150 million in new investments in the region, including trade and human rights. If the Biden administration truly wants to draw SE Asia away from China, they... 

Core ideology of the PAP

Core ideology of the PAP

A major ideology of the PAP is to keep generating economic growth, and with a better standard of living, people would keep voting for them. As Bill Clinton said in his election campaign against George Bush, “It’s the economy, Stupid!”, but LKY could have told him that, way before. So, after independence, the PAP quickly... 

Crypto currencies

Crypto currencies

Just last week I was chatting with a friend about Crypto currencies. I was telling him Crypto Currencies have absolutely no basis to become medium of exchange nor investment value. They are just pure speculative tools. A lot of people have mistakenly and erroneously compared Crypto Currencies to Fiat Money and concluded they... 

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