Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Tragic illusion

Tragic illusion

One of the tragic illusion that many countries of the 3rd world entertain is the notion that politicians and civil servants can successfully perform entrepreneurial functions. It is curious that, in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, the belief persists. - Dr Goh Keng Swee, former Singapore Deputy Prime Minister,... 

Tripping themselves all over the place

Tripping themselves all over the place

They can make all sorts of claims for different agendas at different times but eventually, they will trip themselves all over the place with the obvious inconsistencies! Way back in Nov 2021, the monthly time series data were already showing extremely clear trend that DEATHS in 2021 HAVE INCREASED comparatively to 2018 to 2020... 

Worry about exposing home address

Worry about exposing home address

Several people were concerned that I exposed my home address in a Facebook post. I am puzzled about their concern. I do not consider a home address to be private data. Many people know my home address. It is in the record of a few hundred businesses that I transact with. The postman and delivery men have my home address. I do... 

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