Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
When estate management was still under HDB

When estate management was still under HDB

When I was young living in AMK before the Town Council Act came into effect and estate management was still under HDB, I always see a local cleaning lady working very hard every morning. She basically used a mob, cloth and a pill of water to clean the whole lift, from the inner lift walls to the external lift doors and mob the... 

Like that also can?

Like that also can?

When CNA employed someone with fake certs you get flags & origins cock-ups.. CNA only got ONE country's flag right on the booboo incident... Guess which country?     Mohamad Rasul Mohamed      Read More →

Taxi and private hire fares should be left to market forces?

Taxi and private hire fares should be left to market forces?

Mr Harry Ong believes that taxi and private hire fares should be left to market forces, that high fares will attract more drivers thus driving fares down. (ST Forum, 11/5/22) I am afraid his belief that the free market will correct itself is badly misplaced. The fact is that many sectors of the free market have been cornered... 

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