Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Weakness of democratic systems

Weakness of democratic systems

Democratic systems often produce bad outcomes. It is difficult to get the majority of people to agree on the rules that govern their society. If we examine the governance of America, which promotes that their system of democracy to other countries, we can see that they could not agree on the following issues: - gun control -... 

Helping more women and mature workers participate in the labour force

Helping more women and mature workers participate in the labour force

Flexible work arrangements are the way forward, especially as they help more women and mature workers participate in the labour force, said Manpower Minister Tan See Leng at a panel discussion on May 6. He noted that there are about 260,000 women aged 25 to 64 and 120,000 residents aged 65 to 69 who are outside the labour force. "So... 

Petrol prices has risen again

Petrol prices has risen again

Not surprisingly, petrol prices has risen again, supposedly sparked by fresh fears of a ban on Russian oil. The price of the popular 95-octane petrol has risen from $3.03 and $3.11 to $3.07 and $3.19, before discounts. Supposedly, the rise is due to an increase in cost - the Benchmark Brent crude has inched towards a 3-week-high... 

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