Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Singapore failed in so many ways

Singapore failed in so many ways

Singaporeans are too comfortable and sheeply that they don't think or probe, they just take everything at face values. They look at the nice infrastructure and all the right news on MSM, they think Singapore is advancing. Let me share with you what I see for the last three decades. 1. Master Plan (s) If you remember, they have... 

Why the haste?

Why the haste?

It is so bizarre. They want to hang Datchinamurthy Kataiah when he has a pending civil claim against the prison authority. The claim is for damages and declarations for illegal disclosure of correspondence between his lawyer and him to the Attorney-General. Datchinamurthy and 12 other death row inmates have filed a civil suit... 

If you believe there is a class that nobody gives a shit about…

If you believe there is a class that nobody gives a shit about…

The hot news yesterday was the fact that the Court granted a stay of execution for Mr. Datchinamurthy Kataiah (“Datchi”), a Malaysian Tamil who was due to be hanged on Friday  (29 April 2022). What makes this case so newsworthy is the fact that Mr. Datchi was one of 13 inmates who had taken out a suite against the Attorney-General’s... 

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