Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
May Day Rally speech

May Day Rally speech

Lhl's May Day Rally speech touched on 2 main issues, ie, the Ukraine war, it's impact on global order and the cost of living pressures. I will be as frank and forthright with my commentary like I have always do. I despise and I am ashamed of lhl's hypocrisy. Let me explain. I quote, 'Most fundamentally and what matters to us... 

Useless or less worthy?

Useless or less worthy?

People without jobs are useless or less worthy? Less worthy as politicians or thinker? Let me address the rubbish talk by PAP people. People without full time job may be the GREATEST thinkers or political leaders. Take for example the famous Kong Ming (孔明) during the Romance of Three Kindom,the great strategist, political... 

How sad can you get?

How sad can you get?

I must admit that I am, like many heterosexuals' men highly attracted to the female body. I have been guilty of "checking out" attractive things in a too obvious way and there's nothing like a compliment from an attractive lady to boost the ego. Men, as they say, will be men. Somehow, no matter how smart we might be, we end... 

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