Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Living in the Ponzi Scheme

Living in the Ponzi Scheme

I’ve never been one for the corporate office. Although freelancing was not the most lucrative in as much as I was unable to build without a steady income, I am far prouder of the things that I did as an independent contractor than when I was employed by a corporation. Whilst peers in the PR agency could boast of reaching certain... 

Singapore’s policy is ‘to be close to all great powers’

Singapore’s policy is ‘to be close to all great powers’

Prof Tommy Koh says that Singapore’s policy is “to be close to all great powers”, but that we pursue a policy of non-alignment. (ST, 8/4/22) He quotes our first foreign minister, Mr S Rajaratnam in his inaugural speech at the UN in 1965. In that speech, Mr Rajaratnam said that we do not side with “narrow power bloc... 

Let’s see beyond the mainstream media’s praises of Lawrence Wong

Let’s see beyond the mainstream media’s praises of Lawrence Wong

As expected, the mainstream media (ranked 160th in the world) has started to sing praises about the incoming Prime Minister! One article said that was seen as down to earth and friendly by his residents, and another article said that he had displayed leadership in crisis! Don’t you find it very ironic that the mainstream media... 

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