Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Trade disputes between America and China

Trade disputes between America and China

Someone said that China depends on the American market. China will suffer a severe economic downturn when America imposes more sanctions on China. I disagree. China has a large domestic market and a strong manufacturing capability. For the past several years, it has adopted a strategy of "dual circulation". It is developing... 

1.39 million households owe water bills

1.39 million households owe water bills

I am shocked that 10% of 1.39 million households owe more than $250 arrears of water bills. I am even more shocked that PUB installs flow restrictors to reduce the flow of water for these households. Is this First World Singapore? If Malaysia can afford to give free water to its population why cannot Singapore do so for families... 

Newest desalination plant on Jurong Island

Newest desalination plant on Jurong Island

Singapore opened its 5th and newest desalination plant on Jurong Island. Among other things, it was also reported that it is 5% more energy efficient. I like what I have read although I have some thoughts. Despite our fast aging population, our population is growing, courtesy of the government's immigration policies, hence,... 

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