Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Our million dollar ministers are bankrupt of ideas

Our million dollar ministers are bankrupt of ideas

Despite the highest-paid Ministers in the world, they PAP is bankrupt of ideas and our economy is functioning like a third-world backwater. Let's address the elephant in the room - where is the investment for 4G industries? Examples include aerospace engineering and satellite production, human genome mapping, research into cures... 

It took a pandemic to expose the incompetency of the 4G leadership

It took a pandemic to expose the incompetency of the 4G leadership

PM Lee mentioned that the pandemic allowed the 4G ministers to strengthen their relationship and trust with civil servants. Don’t you find this absolutely out of touch and a showcase of weak leadership? When Covid first started, he was the one who ensured us that his government had already been preparing for a crisis like... 

Look beyond personal reasons and self interest

Look beyond personal reasons and self interest

Many people are unhappy with the "communist government" in China. You can find them in Taiwan, Hong Kong and in Singapore. Many of these people have reasons to be unhappy with the communist government. In many cases, they came from wealthy families that had a good life before China fell to the communists. These families could... 

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