Highly Educated But Can’t Think
The govt prefers foreigners to Singaporeans, in came millions of them and many already converted to PRs or new citizens. And the numbers seem to be growing and exponentially. Foreigners are classified as hard striving, smarter and commit lesser crimes than Singaporeans. They are often praised in MSM to justify the merits of...
HDB is not a bank
In the recent Budget debate in parliament, some points were raised by MPs with regards to those who face financial difficulties due to various reasons, how would HDB helps them through this difficult time. On the aspect of "poor“ who cannot pay their mortgage, the Minister of State of Ministry of National Development said...
Is the new Sengkang team a sign that the PAP has declined?
It was reported that Sengkang GRC has 3 new team members (Elmie Nekmat, Theodora Lai and Ling Wei Hong) who will be the respective chairpersons of Sengkang Central, North and East branches. The first thing that came across my mind was that there is a lawyer and an associate professor in PAP’s state of new team, which is quite...
- PAP mandate strong on China’s 1/4 million students rode 50km to another city for breakfast
- I know Trumpy on Trump: Raging against The Machine
- SINGAROAR on Trump: Raging against The Machine
- Pappies on China’s 1/4 million students rode 50km to another city for breakfast
- I am conned on The fate of Singapore