Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Is Ng Chee Meng the kind of 4G leader that you want?

Is Ng Chee Meng the kind of 4G leader that you want?

He was quoted by the mainstream media as saying: "I am committed to serving Singaporeans and Singapore." Don’t you find this totally bullshit? This is a man who has never worked for a single day in his life in the private sector. He was a military general before entering politics, and who he is today is because of the system.... 

A total waste of public funds

A total waste of public funds

It is a total waste of public funds to send vehicle loads of firemen and police officers to check on a few people chit chatting in the dark. Would the minister of home affairs do his work properly. Stop complaining about shortage of police officers. When police officers are sent to extinguish tea lights and disperse harmless... 

Singapore’s so-called principles

Singapore’s so-called principles

I refer to LHL's speech at the White House on the so called Singapore's principles, Singapore adopting a firm stand and sanction Russia regarding its invasion of Ukraine lalala. We live in a complex, hypocritical and dangerous world and it demands plenty of wisdom, foresight, survivor instincts and the X factor to meddle with... 

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