Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Covid-19 Plans

Covid-19 Plans

A lot of my detractors always question me, what's my Covid-19 plan? Since PM Lee is going to make a National Address tomorrow, I shall list out how I will deal with the situation. 1) Universal Masking will only be required in enclosed places with crowds, like public transport, shopping malls etc. There is no necessity to have... 

Ong Ye Kung must step down

Ong Ye Kung must step down

Another dark day as our country exceeds 1,000,000 covid cases. Can you imagine the scale of this problem when the population is only 5.5 million? In a population of only 5.5 million people, that is about 20% of the population already infected. Since OYK has taken over the co-chair of the MMTF, our country has nothing to show... 

Over 1 million Covid-19 cases in Singapore

Over 1 million Covid-19 cases in Singapore

Among the news that I have read this morning, 'Singapore's total COVID 19 caseload crosses 1 million mark' caught my attention and so I ask myself is that newsworthy? I came to a few conclusions. C19 affected almost every country in the world over the last 2 years plus and many countries suffer bigger infection numbers than... 

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