Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Are SMEs slowly dying because of a heavy-handed government?

Are SMEs slowly dying because of a heavy-handed government?

I refer to the article 'Some F&B outlets pass on costs as electricity bills soar ' (BT weekend, 19 to 20 Mar) It states that "Even before the Ukraine crisis, electricity bills have risen by between 80 per cent and 300 per cent since late last year for food and beverage operators (F&B) to whom The Business Times spoke." The... 

We are doomed if the PAP continues to remain in power

We are doomed if the PAP continues to remain in power

Unfortunately, the current team of 4G Ministers seem to be very out of touch with reality and have failed to communicate among themselves, to establish the need of the industry in the decades to come. Back in the 80s and 90s, under LKY, there was at least proper coordination between the strategic plan for Singapore, the industry... 

Crony Capitalism Index

Crony Capitalism Index

A few days ago the Economist updated its Crony Capitalism Index, for the first time since the newspaper brought it out in 2016. The intention of the index was to measure the percentage of the wealth of the billionaires who are citizens of the country concerned expressed as a percentage of that country’s GDP that comes from... 

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