Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Time for People’s Action Party to put its acts together

Time for People’s Action Party to put its acts together

Finally, finally. Finally one pap MP has enough sense of urgency and courage to speak up in Parliament urging his own People's Action Party to put its acts together and decides on who Singapore's next Prime Minister will be. I applaud pap MP Christopher de Souza for speaking out in our national interest. It is certainly better... 

Totally misleading data

Totally misleading data

Click to enlarge Still can't help it, first time comment on Ho Ching's post on the Data Chart. Your data is totally misleading and doesn't make sense at all. First of all, the percentage doesn't add up to 100%! So what kind of data presentation is this? Secondly, vaccination rate changes throughout from May 2021 till Jan 2022.... 

The Showman and President

The Showman and President

Ukraine President’s Zelenskyy "Ya khochu mira" (я хочу мира ) "I want peace," - Volodymyr Zelenskyy. "Ya khochu ves' mir" (я хочу весь мир) "I want the world," - Vladimir Putin. Their words are so close as to be indistinguishable to the untrained ear, but the whole world order hangs in the balance. Yet... 

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