Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
A more competent and accountable government

A more competent and accountable government

Many people have the view that democratic election between opposing political parties is a good way to hold a government accountable. I hold a different opinion. I find competition between opposing political parties to be counter productive. It does not lead to a better government. Instead, it usually lead to a worse government.... 

My Analysis of Budget 2022

My Analysis of Budget 2022

I’m writing to give you my take on Budget 2022. I’ve written about the fake news event that is the Singapore Government’s Budget for at least ten years now and very little has changed. We still get zero transparency, a smoke-and-mirrors exercise or what I have characterized as a shell game or magic show in which the Finance... 

An Ethology On Sociopathic Monkeys

An Ethology On Sociopathic Monkeys

It is clear to not only expert Anthropologists, Zoologists & Evolutionary Biologists, but everyday nature lovers, that humans are linked to the ancestry we share with modern African apes although have diverged from on the evolutionary tree to troops of monkeys. Humans are different than monkeys for the simple fact that,... 

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