Too many exams?
Call a series of coincidences but around a week ago, the day job boss raised one of the sore points between us in a prospect meeting. He mentioned that in nearly a decade I had refused to take up a course in accountancy or to become a member of the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (“ISCA”), despite the multitude...
The Imminent Collapse of Vaccine Narrative
The SIGNS are all there. CDC Director Rochelle Paula Walensky has conceded the Vaccines aren't as effective as they claimed and they were too optimistic while too little cautious in approving these Vaccines. On the other hand, Dr Fauci is missing from News Network since 18 Feb 2022! All these happen when FDA was forced and ordered...
Russian invasion of Ukraine
Vivian Balakrishnan 'Unless we as a country stand up for the principles that are the very foundation for our independence and sovereignty of smaller nations, our own right to exist and prosper as nation may similarly be called into question'- Vivian Balakrishnan (VB), Foreign Minister, Singapore. Nobody can argue with what was...
- Ostrich Mode on Public Housing HDB
- Confusion Says on Outbreak of mystery virus in China
- Papa PARDON Son Democracy SRFR on The ugly truth about buying a property in Malaysia
- Fake Chinese on Public Housing HDB
- Papa PARDON Son Democracy SRFR on 7.8 magnitude earthquake devastates Tibet