Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
An utter failure of MOH and MTF

An utter failure of MOH and MTF

MOH MTF are pushing the blame of the problems which they have created to Singaporeans?! There are a few reasons why infected individuals will visit GP or even hospital, not just only for the MC. MOH MTF didn't research and develop an effective Early Treatment Protocol which could assure Most Singaporeans that they could effectively... 

Lost in a hot air ballon

Lost in a hot air ballon

2 days ago, LaoLan Wrong, together with Gan Na Sai and Ong Dog Dog 戇鳩鳩, were in a hot air balloon and realised they were totally lost. LaoLan Wrong fearfully reduced altitude and spotted a man below. He descended a bit more and shouted: "'Excuse me, can you help me? We promised a friend we would meet him an hour ago but... 

Sun Tze Art Of War – Opposition Farce

Sun Tze Art Of War – Opposition Farce

You guys can go to read MSM, the articles are very coordinated in trying to bring down opposition and its reputation. Many sheep just openly like the comments by many without realising thousands of fake accounts deployed in unison to attack. Why? Who deployed these fake accounts? What agenda they have? Through the decades, we... 

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