Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
China produce cheap goods for the world

China produce cheap goods for the world

China produces cheap goods for the world. It helped the people in other countries to have a better quality of life. The global consumes  can  buy the cheap, good quality products from China. In the earlier years, the cheap goods were produced because China's cost of labor was low. The wages have increased over the years,... 

Israelis Ministers and Experts must be damn jialat

Israelis Ministers and Experts must be damn jialat

What? Israelis Ministers and Experts must be damn jialat! High Vax rate with High Triple Vax plus even Quadruple Vax also end up with more than Triple of last peak?!!! Covid Death also break record??? This will Never Happen in Singapore with our Smartest, most intelligent and most highly paid Ministers and Experts! Singapore... 

The mythology of Operation Coldstore

The mythology of Operation Coldstore

Many people still have a vague idea about Operation Coldstore. The massive security round-up of leading CUF activists on 2 February 1963 crippled the chances of pro-communist revolutionists from capturing power. It was erroneously branded as a Lee Kuan Yew's brainchild and that he had solely mounted the operation on his own... 

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