Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
A bad precedent for OCBC Bank to make full compensation

A bad precedent for OCBC Bank to make full compensation

OCBC bank decided to provide "goodwill payments" to compensate their customers fully for the sums that were fraudulently transferred from their accounts which have been breached. Earlier, I had suggested that the bank should share the loss equally with their customers, i.e. the compensation should be for 50% of the amount lost. While... 

What do you do after you get f**ked

What do you do after you get f**ked

I had the opportunity to catch with one my oldest friends, after a day of looking through boxes of various old cases in the warehouse. During our catch-up session, we found that we had a number of common worries, which are rooted in the fact that we are both approaching 50, our earning power is on the slippery slope down and... 

2 party political system is unlikely to happen in Singapore

2 party political system is unlikely to happen in Singapore

Among other things that Ong Ye Kung (OYK) spoke about at the recent Singapore Perspectives conference, he said that a 2 party political system is unlikely to happen in Singapore because of our geography and the reality of a city state. I beg to differ. Let me explain. Apart from geography and Singapore being a city state, many... 

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