Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Law Society should stop indulging M Ravi

Law Society should stop indulging M Ravi

A judge has ordered M (No M doesn’t stand for “Mad” but for “Madasamy”) to personally pay the Attorney-General $10,000 in costs over death row prisoners’ court application which he made, refused to withdraw when it was pointed out that he was talking cock, but then which he withdrew at the last minute. Last week,... 

Alternative norm of building rental public housing

Alternative norm of building rental public housing

Is this alternative norm of building rental public housing a way for the government to get more funds from people through public housing? Aren't we already "renting" our HDBs for the long term? It's 99 year's lease, isn't a "lease" a form of "tenancy" or "rental"? The only proposal they are suggesting is the alternative would... 

China has the most democratic government in the world

China has the most democratic government in the world

I consider the People's Republic of China to be the most democratic government in the world. First, we have to understand what is a democratic government. It is a government "by the people, for the people". The government must be freely elected by the people and must work for the well being of the people. I consider this to... 

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