Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
What are the risks of doing business with a $2 company?

What are the risks of doing business with a $2 company?

Preface A friend living in Tanjong Pagar asked me, what was wrong with doing business with a company of $2 capital. I told him that there was nothing wrong – if things did not go extremely wrong. And I thought I might as well write down what I told him and share my views with readers here too. In this article, I am merely... 

S’poreans unhappiest in the world? Take control and shape our happiness

S’poreans unhappiest in the world? Take control and shape our happiness

It must be such a slap in the face for the PAP-run government to read the latest Gallup Poll findings that found Singaporeans to be the least positive, unhappiest people in the world. And this is on top of being declared as the most emotionless people in an earlier poll by Gallup. How utterly depressing for Singaporeans to read... 

PM Lee’s New Year Resolutions

PM Lee’s New Year Resolutions

Especially when the cut-and-dried case of the foldable bikes episode is yet to be concluded. Are they waiting, as in the City Harvest legal proceedings, for a Queen's Counsel to be approved? Mr Lee also referred to "lapses by persons in senior positions", which the press take to mean Monday night intercourse hosted by the Speaker... 

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