Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Can small countries win medals at the Olympic Games

Can small countries win medals at the Olympic Games

Can small countries win medals at the Olympic Games-Page A18, Straits Times,11August 21. The article contributed by Professor Tommy Koh makes some insightful observations and interesting reading. He asked if the population size of a country is its destiny at the Olympic Games and he answered his own question with some fairly... 

Vaccine failures

Vaccine failures

An interesting comparison between Palestine and Israel. Israel is the FIRST country which went into Mass Inoculation with Pfizer. It has one of the highest vaccination rate in the world. Its vaccination rate is nearing 70% while Palestine has less than 13% vaccination rate. Pfizer vaccines started with all sorts of promises... 

Vaccination rate and recent deaths

Vaccination rate and recent deaths

The table below shows the percentage of the population that is fully vaccinated and the deaths during the past week per million of population. The countries with more than 40% fully vaccinated have a death rate below 11 per million during the past 7 days. Some of these countries have infection rate above 1,000 per million of... 

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