Does detention without trial dull police skills?
The evening that Mas Selamat Kastari showed up at his brother’s flat in Tampines seeking refuge, security officers were assembling near Ten Mile Junction in preparation for an overnight search of Bukit Batok Nature Park. “A police spokesperson said. . . that the police and the Singapore Armed Forces had deployed more than...
A Slogan For The Opposition?
I am a fan of Ronald Reagan and I liked the way he campaigned for the Presidency in 1980, defeating Jimmy Carter in a landslide. In the course of he campaign he had a very simple message for the voters, a message than can be the slogan for the opposition here. It was as Regan put it to the voters: 'Are you better off today than...
作者:吴明盛 译者:李显涛 这句口号对我们来说当然是老生常谈,行动党已经使用了牛年马月,最近又再浮上台面。 革新党的肯尼斯对“奇哉怪异的选举结果”有个很好的反驳:“如果是人民的选择,怎么会是奇哉怪异的呢?” 是的,行动党怎么可以这样想呢?如果人民选择反对党来取代人民行动党,就是“奇哉怪异”?集体的意志怎么可以轻易地解读为“奇哉怪异”呢? 于是,有些行动党的拥趸就把意思改一改,他们说把那些人格有缺陷的“怪异”反对党人物带进国会,就是“奇哉怪异的选举结果”。好像很有道理,慢着……为什么群众会有要把“怪异”的人格缺陷者选进国会的念头呢?那么行动党拥趸又要把这堆人称为什么呢? 世界上实行民主的国度,政治人物输了选举就一鞠躬下台,在感谢他的支持者的同时,也尊重人民的选择。无论选举出来的结果看来有多“不公正”。[以下网址]就是台湾民进党主席在昨天(27-11-2010)输了选举后的“失败感言”。 我们反对党从来没有提出“奇哉怪异的选举结果”的说法,虽然我们知道很多人投行动党是出于恐惧。我们可以输掉大选,但是我们不能输掉我们的人格。从不怪罪选...
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